Glass Expansion Patented* D-Torch™, A Robust, High Performance, Demountable Super Torch

We understand that dealing with aggressive sample matrices is a challenge and most 'real-world samples' analyzed by ICP laboratories contain considerable concentrations of TDS, including soils, sludges, wastewater, brines, high acid digests, and fusions. Analyzing these types of samples can pose a number of challenges for the ICP analyst, including increased frequency of torch replacement due to shortened torch life.

The combination of high plasma temperatures and salt deposits on the torch leads to the devitrification of quartz torch outer tubes. The drawback of the single-piece torch is that it is a relatively expensive consumable item, requiring the replacement of the entire torch when, in most cases, only the outer tube is affected by devitrification.

The D-Torch, provides a robust and high-performing alternative to both single-piece and semi-demountable quartz torches, ensuring greater robustness and a lower cost of ownership.

Figure 1. D-Torch components for PerkinElmer® Avio Series, Thermo® 6000/7000/Pro & Agilent® 5000 Series

Application Notes featuring the D-Torch:

The D-Torch is now available for the following models:

Manufacturer Model Ceramic Outer Tube Available
Agilent Technologies ® 5100, 5110, 5800, 5900
Agilent Technologies ® 700-ES Series Axial, Vista Axial
Agilent Technologies ® 700-ES Series Radial, Vista Radial, Liberty 100/120/150/200/220
Horiba ® 24, 38 & 138 Series, Ultima, Activa  
Nu Instruments™ Nu Plasma  
PerkinElmer ® AVIO 200, 500
PerkinElmer ® Optima 8x00 Series
PerkinElmer ® Optima 4300V, 5300V, 7300V
PerkinElmer ® NexION 1000, 11000, 2000  
PerkinElmer ® NexION 300, 350
Spectro™ (Ametek ®) SpectroBlue™ EOP  
Spectro™ (Ametek ®) SpectroBlue™ SOP
Spectro™ (Ametek ®) EOP (Modula, CIROS, Genesis, ARCOS)
Spectro™ (Ametek ®) SOP (Modula, CIROS, Genesis, ARCOS)
Thermo Fisher Scientific ® PRO Duo
Thermo Fisher Scientific ® PRO Radial
Thermo Fisher Scientific ® 6000, 7000 Duo
Thermo Fisher Scientific ® 6000, 7000 Radial

* The D-Torch is covered by US Patents 7,847,210 B2 and 8,232,500 B2

Lower cost of ownership

Compared to other demountable torches, the D-Torch is the only torch design that comes standard with a ceramic intermediate tube for greater robustness and a lower cost of ownership. With demountable torch designs offered by other manufacturers, the intermediate tube is made of quartz and fused to the quartz outer tube, which is an additional consumable whose cost can quickly add up and negate the economic benefits of the torch itself.

With the D-Torch design, the analyst most often replaces only the outer tube, rather than replacing the entire torch or a quartz torch body, ensuring a significant lower cost of ownership (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Comparative torch ownership costs versus the D-Torch (Agilent 5000 Series D-Torch)

Ceramic Outer Tube

Another exclusivity of the Glass Expansion D-Torch is an optional ceramic outer tube. For over 25 years, Glass Expansion has been the leader in ceramic torch design, offering ceramic versions of our acclaimed D-Torch for numerous ICP models. Compared to quartz outer tubes, the ceramic alternative has an extended lifespan, significantly reducing maintenance, cleaning, and downtime caused by torch failure. Incorporating a ceramic outer tube into your ICP torch has a range of benefits, particularly for the analysis of high-TDS sample matrices. The quartz torch in Figure 3 was run for only 6 hours with samples containing 10% NaCl and badly degraded. By contrast, the ceramic outer tube is not affected by salt deposits.

Figure 3. Six hours of running 10% NaCl

Figure 3. Six hours of running 10% NaCl

In certain sample matrices, where quartz outer tubes degrade within hours, the ceramic outer tube perseveres for years under identical conditions, ensuring long-term reliability and cost savings.

Ceramic outer tube is ideal for:

  • Measuring high TDS samples that will quickly devitrify the quartz outer tube
  • Analysis of fusion samples where the lithium salts rapidly attack quartz
  • Monitoring of wear metals in engine oils, as quartz outer tubes often suffer cracking and shortened lifetimes due to thermal shock
  • Analyses at the detection limit as the hotter plasma increases sensitivity
  • Silicon analysis due the lower background

Higher Performance

In addition to providing durability, the ceramic outer tube on an ICP torch produces a hotter, more robust plasma, which reduces matrix effects and improves sensitivities and detection limits, compared to a quartz torch. Table I shows the average signal intensity, based on three separate measurements of 10 replicates using a 100 ppb multi-element standard. The overall average increase in signal intensity with the ceramic outer tube was 21%.

Table 1. Comparison of signal intensity, ceramic versus quartz on Agilent® 5000 SDV ICP-OES.

signal intensity comparison

Ease of Use and Simple Installation

Each Glass Expansion D-Torch design is a direct replacement for the standard torch, including ICP models that incorporate an easy-to-use, self-aligning torch installation. Each D-Torch model is designed to provide the same self-aligning, turn-key installation for ICP models such as the Agilent 5000 series, PerkinElmer Avio, Thermo 6000/7000/Pro, and Spectro Arcos MV. The D-Torch also offers easier cleaning and maintenance with the ability to fully remove the injector and outer tube, with no o-rings which can quickly degrade and become brittle.

As a means to further assist your laboratory, we have organized this assembly guide video. This assembly guide video features our D-Torch to suit the Agilent® 5000 series ICP-OES. Although each D-Torch design is designed to suit a specific ICP model, the assembly and removal procedures for the D-Torch outer tube and injector are all very similar.

Glass Expansion D-Torch Assembly Guide

Exceptional Benefits

We are confident that the D-Torch will revolutionize your ICP spectrometry experience, enabling you to overcome the obstacles presented by aggressive sample matrices. Say goodbye to frequent torch replacements and excessive costs, and embrace the efficiency and reliability of the D-Torch.

  • Robust Design: With its ceramic intermediate tube, the D-Torch withstands the demanding conditions of aggressive sample matrices, extending its lifespan and reducing the need for frequent torch replacements.
  • Enhanced Performance: Experience superior performance with the D-Torch, as it efficiently tackles the challenges posed by high TDS concentrations and elevated plasma temperatures.
  • Cost Savings: By replacing only the outer tube when necessary, the D-Torch significantly reduces operating costs compared to traditional single-piece torches.
  • Greater Flexibility: The D-Torch is compatible with a wide range of sample matrices, allowing you to analyze diverse samples without the need for multiple torches.
  • Lower Detection Limts: By using a high purity grade of ceramic, the background is much better and thus lower detection limits for silicon determination are achieved.

Customer comments

The quartz outer on the D-Torch lasts much longer than the OEM model, but a ceramic is still definitely worth it. The ceramic has been great for the iCAP® that we purchased from you and will probably get another for our other iCAP® too. (In reference to the D-Torch with ceramic outer tube)

Contract laboratory - New Zealand

The D-torch is working great! I'm very pleased with it and will let the other ICP users know about it.

Chemical manufacturer - USA

We have worked with your ceramic D-Torch since three weeks and the results and the sensitivity are so far very well and I would therefore recommend that torch to other users of ICP-OES.

Materials research laboratory - Germany

Our fully ceramic D-torch is in place since august 2013 and it seems to be in good shape, no major sign of deterioration.

Mining laboratory - Canada

(In reference to the D-Torch with ceramic outer tube) It works like a champ, and the base line on my Si has never been as clean as this.

Contract laboratory, petroleum industry - USA

We have been using the D-Torch on our PerkinElmer ® ICP for about a year, and have had great success with it. We definitely see lower costs, and better Si stability.

Automotive industry supplier - USA

The D torch is good value.

Oils laboratory - New Zealand

(In reference to the D-Torch) The torch has been excellent. We have been using it for 2 months so far and very little to no carbon buildup. Have only had to dismantle once during this time.

Oils laboratory - Australia

We have also been running with a full ceramic torch on all of our instruments for over a year now and have found them to be very reliable.

Oils laboratory - UK

(The D-Torch) performs really well and we have had no problems with it. It performs just as well if not better than the single piece torches and obviously saves a lot of money in replacement parts.

Environmental laboratory - Australia

The torch has been running like a Swiss watch ... The ceramic torch has shown no signs of deterioration, with 80 hrs/week running. The intensities on the 7300DV have also been elevated between 10-20%.

Contract laboratory - Australia

The Ceramic torch is quite excellent, mostly from a maintenance standpoint, it forms much less deposits on it and that which forms is usually very easy to clean ... I do think we'll continue buying ceramic torches mostly because they last much longer and are so much easier to keep clean.

Environmental laboratory - Sweden

I am quite pleased with the D-Torch. It's stable and rather easy to maintain and clean. ...Another upside is the D-torch is also much easier to push in and take out of the torch block, quartz torch tends to get stuck in the o-rings and require quite a lot of force to pull out, but the D-torch is much smoother. It's also quite excellent for analyzing silica in a hydrofluoric digestion, I noticed my blanks for that were much lower and stable.

Contract laboratory - Sweden

The D-Torch is performing very well. The ceramic outer has been in almost constant service 22 hours a day, 6 days a week since we purchased it and we have had no issues...We are due to purchase a replacement ICP and will certainly be purchasing another D-Torch to go along with it.

Lubricating oils laboratory - Australia

The D-Torch we have for the Elan 9000 ICP-MS works very well.

Government food and agriculture laboratory - New Zealand

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